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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Memories and Resolutions

It was less than an hour before maghrib and I was reciting the verses in the AlQuran when the three ladies spread their praying mats beside me. I didnt look up to look at their faces but continuingly engrossed in my recitation.

I told myself and spoke my mind out to my husband that I was not going to be too friendly with those I met in the Haram fearing that I would say something foolish or had to bear listening to their tales. It would beat my purpose of coming there.

We were on the rooftop and every now and then I could feel the cool breeze soothingly blew around me. From the corners of my eyes I could see the ladies performed several solats before they finally settled on their mats. Then the name on the sling bag of one of them caught my eyes and my mind raced back to those days when I was still wearing pennafore. Was it really her?

I lifted my eyes from the page that I concentrated on, bent my body forward and looked up at the face of the second lady next to me. Then I saw the traces of a face that I once knew and to be sure I touched her lap gently and said,
" I tengok nama u kat bag. Nak tanya, you dulu budak stf ke "
Her answer confirmed my guess.

It has been 34 years since we last met. She was two years my junior. I had to mention a few names before it finally hit her mind that I was the kakak who used to stay in the same dorm with her. I saw fine lines around her eyes and I was sure she saw the same on mine.

After exchanging some stories and tales I felt that years really took charge of our lives. I finally found that there was nothing much to say anymore.

That night I slept with memories of those schooling days in JB, of my long lost friends, of our dreams and of what we have become.

The emergence of the new year triggers my memories again. My friends and me would make a list of some resolutions that we wished to carry out when the new year began and then we laughed our heart out at each of our list. We really didnt take it seriously at that time.

Now looking at it I wonder why do we have to wait until a year passes by before we make changes on ourselves. Resolutions should be a day to day basis. We should check ourselves everyday. Today should be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today. Well.. that's only my opinion.


Ms.Lilies said...

saya dah lama x buat yearly resolutions kak...sbb pada saya kalo nak berubah and achieve target bukanla bergantung pd tahun :)

Mak Su said...

kak pah dah balik Malaysia dah? alhamdulillah..... :)

ibundo said...

lilies, tula pasal...

maksu, balik dah. ni kejap demam kejap baik..

aNIe said...

Kak pah...anie tak pernah buat azam...cuma sentiasa berazam untuk memperbaiki diri dan menjadi insan yang lebih baik serta bertaqwa tiap hari...

~PakKaramu~ said...

Pak Karamu menziarahi Kak Pah

ibundo said...

anie, semuga kita semua menjadi insan yang baik.

pakkaramu, terima kasih kerana datang menziarahi kakpah

Guru said...

assalammualaikum kak pah

best baca entri ni.
setuju ngan kak pah.
tapi, saya buat gak resolution utk awal muharram hari tu.

secangkir madu merah said...

what a small world eh kakpah..

anyway, tahun ni tak ada azam sebab asyik berazam tapi tak pernah fulfill

iina said...

Resolution nie masa sekolah dulu selalu ler buat.. dah muda2 nie hehehe takde dah.. mostly saya takde azam baru.. mostly hanya mahu teruskan impian yang saya dah set untuk saya capai dalam masa 10 tahun nie.. buat masa nie.. azam 3 thn lepas masih sama sampailah skrg.. Harap tahun depan den balik ngan kejayaan kak.. Insyallah

lupekanje said...

salam kakpah..
azam acik, samo yo tetiap tawon..
usaha ke arah menambaikkan diri. Jadi semakin baik... tetiap tawon kener renew. Sebab nengok hasilnya sruper jer....bahkan makin teruk...

ehhh... best tuh, dpt jumpa org yg kita kenali, di sana. baper puluh tawon duk Mesia tk jumpa dia...tetiber jumpa kat Mekah kan..
Alhamdulillah..Tuhan yg menentukan segala. Tu yg acik salu kata kat kawan2 acik dulu setelah kami berpisah dik tamatnya pengajian.

Unknown said...

salam dan selamat pulang Hajjah..
wah seronoknya tenguk gambar kat sana..muga-muga lepas ni..giliran inalah pulak..

ibundo said...

cikgu, resolution tu kena ada gak lah kalau tak kita takde halatuju la pulak. tapi takyah lah tu7nggu setahun kan..

smm, buatlah azam jumpa dengan kakpah hehe..

ina, insyaAllah. akak doakan kau bojayo ina. sok datang ko ghumah akak, akak idangkan kau mee kari.

acik, kakpah cakap kau jangan marah yo. haritu kan, akak kan, ke dopan kaabah tu kan.... akak doakan kau dapek pongganti cik...kik..kik..

ina, insyaAllah ina akan sampai jugak nanti.

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