Drop by just to say a few words
a few lines
enough to break the long pause
when actually there is nothing really to talk about
because the silence has spoken itself
and explains a lot of things
Why not we ponder a little bit over sincerity
for sincerity is something that cannot be seen or touched
but only be felt at heart
and because it is so vague to many
we intend to ignore the presence of not being sincere
most of the times without realisations
the question that must always linger in the minds
is that
are we sincere enough for what we say
or for what we do
either to the people around us
or to the one and only almighty
please do not ask the brain because
the brain often deceives us
not once but many times
and it always overrules what the heart says
Question our heart
and our heart is brilliant enough to give the answer
Happy Ramadhan
sorry if i fail to anwer
to all your comments
times seem very short and fast going
will always be myself kak.insyaAllah..
susah nak ckp kdg2 nampak org tu ikhlas tapi sebenarnya tidak..nampak org tu out spoken tapi sebenarnya berhati mulia..kategori kita2 ni yang mana yo kak?..
Question our heart
tapi kata pepatah
ikut rasa binasa
ikut hati mati..
selamat buek kueh rayo kak..:)
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa Ramadhan, Kak Pah. :)
tuan punya badan pun kadangkala meragui
meragui kejujuran diri sendiri...
hanya Tuhan saja yang tau
nak kena komen bahasa omputih gak ek?
errr... me same-same miss u too... bleh?
Selamat hari raya kak.... maaf zahir batin.
Ramadhan ini kalau boleh masa nak guna sepenuhnya mencari ganjaran hebat yg Allah berikan kakpah. Sunyikan seketika tapi pasti semua sedia maklum.... Kita mencari ramadhan yg berokah...
Masa memang pendek,banyak comment yang tak sempat dibalas,harap rakan2 semua turut memahami.
Selamat berbuka puasa kakpah.
kak pah..cantik e ros kuning kak pah ni..boleh ambik tak
den sorang je ke yg rasa bulan pose ni sangat panjaaaaaaaaaaaang.. seminit macam sehari. err.. nmpk benar den seorang yg sabar, kaaaan
anim, memang boto cakap kau.
kue rayo? macam takdo mood yo nak buek
kakcik, sama-samalah kita
nak duit raya? bagi no akaun. ekau layak dapat 2 hengget
kak zakie,
iya.. insyaallah
selaamat berpuasa dan brbuka puasa
nak amek? no problemo..
haha.. jangan curi2 minum masa mandi tau!!
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