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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One step at a time

I always remind my staff not to give multiple instructions to the children.  Give one at a time, a new one after the previous is done. Most of the children cannot absorb many instructions at one go and the one that sticks to their minds is the last one said.

Lately I am having a hard time figuring out things that have been instructed by my brain. Thing that should has been easy has become harder to accomplish. My brain tells me to do something but somehow unconsciously I  do that 'something' not like what it is supposed to be done.  And it really pissed me off.

Like today, I stormed out under the blazing sun to get something done only to realize that I had brought the wrong 'thing'. And that realization came to me after I had spent times doing several other things. And when it came to the final one, well.. I really felt like knocking my head off.

Things had to be done by today and of no choice, I went home to get the one that I had mistakenly left behind and came back again to finish what I had started.  I did all that races under the blazing sun, in that unbearable heat.  Today is really hot ma.......

Maybe, I have to take one at a time too.



kasihibu said...

anak sya memang tak boleh di desak2
bak kata enpakwe jangan terlalu banyak beri arahan, nanti mereka tak boleh nak ikut.

ibuintan said...

umur makin betambah, yg lain makin kurang

yang ini dapek, yg itu lak lupo

Nizam.Ariff said...

ooo.. kat bangi pun panas jugak eh?
aku ingat kat S.Alam jer...

Zaitun said...

Faktor umur kakpah... banyak benda yang dingat lagi berserabut jadinya.

Anaasuria said...

take a deep breath kak.. agaknya sebab ada banyak menda dalam kepala yang nak diuruskan yang sumer nya kategori important ...

h4ni3 said...

tarik napas panjang2.... istighfar...
tarikkkkkk... lepasssssss... ha.. lega tak kakpah? hehe

awatla kakpah tak jerit jer hari tu. kalau tak, boleh kita 'jejak kaseh' kat warta ;))

cikmanggis said...

btol kata zai tu..faktor umur....

azieazah said...

Ada orang kata, semakin tua semakin menjadi...

Tapi dalam masa yang sama, ada gak makin tua makin tak berapa nak jadi.. hehehe

sabor jer lah.

Ramadhan: Nuzul Quran “bacalah...”

Unknown said...

umur dan kesihatan mmg antaranya..
yang pasti......
dah berusia itulah lagi byk makan garam

Ena said...

yerla.. kdg kita ni nak cepat.. suka hati je bg arahan kat anak2.. sudahnya kita yg buat.. kikiki..

kakpah dah berumur ye la kan.. ni ena yg masih muda selalu jugak lupa.. alahai..

iina said...

Buat mana yang larat kak.. panas nie mmg menguji kesabaran ;) nanti boli cendul 1 yo ;)

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